Organizations: General Aviation |
- Air Care Alliance
The Air Care Alliance is a nationwide league of humanitarian flying organizations dedicated to community service. This document is intended to introduce you to us and to all the groups we list whose activities involve public benefit flying for health care, patient transport, and other missions of public service.
- AirLifeLine
A national non-profit charitable organization of over 1,000 private pilots who fly ambulatory patients who cannot afford the cost of travel to medical facilities for diagnosis and treatment.
- Aviation Insurance Association
The Aviation Insurance Association is committed to enhancing the aviation insurance industry worldwide, and the professional lives of the people who work in it, through a variety of programs and services.
- Corporate Angel Network, Inc.
The Corporate Angel Network provides FREE air transportation for cancer patients traveling to and from recognized treatment cenetrs in the U.S. without regard to their financial resources
- EAA Young Eagles
Fly a youngster on his/her first flight through the Experimental Aircraft Association's Young Eagle Program.
- Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)
A growing and diverse organization of members with a wide range of aviation interests and backgrounds. The organization is focused on people, offering the opportunity to make new aviation friends and form relationships while encouraging the sharing of information, stories and enthusiasm. Organizers of the annual OshKosh Air Show.
- Helicopter Association International
Since 1948, HAI has been dedicated to promoting the helicopter as a safe and efficient method of transportation, and to the advancement of the civil helicopter industry.
- Mercy Medical Airlift (MMA)
Mercy Medical Airlift is a non-profit organization dedicated to serving people in situations of compelling human need through the provision of charitable air transportation
- National Aeronautic Association
A national non-profit membership association that oversees and sanctions aviation and space records, presents national and international aerospace awards, and represents U.S. National air sport organizations worldwide.
- National Aviation Hall of Fame
The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) nominates and enshrines individuals in recognition of achievement in the development of aviation.
- Regional Airline Association (RAA)
The Regional Airline Association (RAA) represents U.S. regional airlines and the suppliers of products and services that support the industry, before the U.S. Congress, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation and other federal and state agencies. RAA member airlines transport between 90 percent and 95 percent of all regional airline passengers.
- Seaplane Pilots Association
A dedicated organization with a unique purpose -- to protect the water flying rights of all seaplane pilots by minimizing restrictions and opening new waters.
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