Organizations |
- Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
AFA is the world's largest flight attendant union, with 47,000 members at 26 airlines, and is the nation's leading advocate for airline cabin safety.
- Circle of women
Our Mission: To build schools for girls in developing countries. Our First School: "Project Wonkhai," a secondary school for 1200 girls in Afghanistan, is currently under construction. Classes begin in October 2008
- Clipped Wings
A national organization composed of 26 chapters across the country of former, retired, and current United and Capital Airlines flight attendants.
- FlightAttendants.Org
An international web site for flight attendants, retirees, and future colleagues.
- Harriet Quimby Research Conference
An annual meeting which brings together researchers interested in all aspects of the life of Harriet Quimby, America's first licensed female pilot. Giacinta Bradley Koontz, Director
- International Aviation Womens Association
IAWA is an international organization for women who hold senior positions in the aviation and aerospace industry; such as finance, insurance, law, manufacturing, operations, and regulating bodies. IAWA is actively seeking new members who have five or more years of experience in these or other aviation-related areas.
- International Society of Women Airline Pilots
An association of licensed women airline pilots. Members are found on six continents, flying as cockpit crewmembers for the world's passenger and freight airlines. ISA+21 provides mutual support via networking and publications. They work to enhance tolerance and understanding among thier coworkers. ISA+21 supports pilot hopefuls via scholarships and communications.
- National Sundowners
Organization of former stewardesses / flight attendants with the original National Airlines. Filled with great stories and photos, this site cronicals the history of National's in-flight service from the '30s until its purchase by Pan American in the '80s. Charming!
- Technical Women's Organization (FAA)
A community of government employees motivated to advance the number and opportunities of women in technical fields that directly support the aviation industry.
- The Ninety-Nines, Inc.
An international organization of almost 7,000 licensed women pilots from 35 countries including Canada, Britain, Africa, the Far East and India with the majority resideing in the United States. The Ninety-Nines sponsor educational safety programs and aerospace workshops for teachers, students and licensed pilots.
- TWA Clipped Wings
A Philanthropic and Social Organization of Current and Former TWA Flight Attendants.
- WASP on the Web
Women Airforce Service Pilots. Dedicated to the WASP of WWII. One of the most comprehensive online databases of the Women Airforce Service Pilots of World War II.
- Whirly Girls, Inc.
Founded in 1955 by Jean Ross Howard #13, this group for licensed helicopter pilots has over 1,000 members in 29 countries. Whirly Girls award two annual $4,500 scholarships to assist women in obtaining add-on or initial training. A third scholarship sponsored by Bell Helicopter is for women helicopter pilots to achieve turbine transition.
- Women in Aviation, International
Women in Aviation, International is a non-profit organization dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women in all aviation career fields and interests. Our 5,500 + membership includes astronauts, corporate pilots, maintenance technicians, air traffic controllers, business owners, educators, journalists, flight attendants, high school and university students, airshow performers, airport managers and others.
- Women in Corporate Aviation
A group of aviation professionals including flight department personnel, FBO managers, writers, students, training center professionals and many others.
- Women Military Aviators
Official web site for WMA
A nonprofit organization of women military aviators formed to promote and preserve the historical, educational and literary role of women in the service of their country during times of war and peace. Membership is open to all female aviators from all services.
Organizations (Sub Categories) |
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